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New Domain

Create Notification Alert

/notification create new-domain

This command can only be ran in a server.




type: Option
description: Blockchain where the domain(s) exists.
choices: [ Terra Classic, Terra ]


type: Regex | String
description: Regex to match single or multiple domains. | Domain to be alerted about.
  • Keep in mind that the domain must be in the format of domain.tld and not just the name of the domain.
  • If you want to match multiple domains you can either use the regex .* to match all domains or | to separate the domains.
  • You can also send the regex parameter empty to match all domains.
  • We recommend to use a regex builder as regex101 to build and test your regex.


type: Channel
description: Channel to send the alerts.
default: Channel where the command was executed.

Example Usage

domain with channel
/notification create new-domain blockchain:Terra regex:alien.luna channel:#new-domains


regex without channel
/notification create new-domain blockchain:Terra regex:alien.*\.luna

Delete Notification Alert

/notification delete new-domain




type: Option
description: Your previously created New Domain notifications.
choices: [ Your notifications ]

Example Usage

/notification delete new-domain id:New Domains