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📝 Contract

This command allows you to retrieve information about a specific smart contract and execute queries on it.

/get contract




type: Option
description: Blockchain where that smart contract exists.
choices: [ Terra Classic, Terra ]


type: String
description: Smart Contract to obtain information from.


type: Option
description: Choose whenever the message the bot sends is public (channel wide) or private (your eyes only).
choices: [ Public, Private ]
default: Public

Example Usage

/get contract blockchain:terra address:terra...xd08 visibility: public

After executing this command, the bot will send you a message with the information about the smart contract, and all possible queries you can execute on it.

To execute a query, just click on the button that display the query name you want to execute, a popup will appear and you will be able to provide the parameters for that query. Once you have provided all the information, click on the Submit button and the bot will send you the result of the query.